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sparklyr finally connected to Spark

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25 Mar 2017

I was trying to use R package sparklyr to install Spark and connect to it. Since it is my second day with my new laptop@Thinkpad_T460P, just installed Ubuntu 16.04 alongside Windows 10. Apparently, I had not installed Java JDK yet.


Easily Install

At first, I followed the official tutorial as every one else would prefer. It seems pretty simple, the only thing I need to do is running the following code.

spark_install(version = "1.6.2")

Then here comes out the first problem: I can’t successfully download the Spark *.tar when ever the network breaks for more than a threshold time, the downloading process would break off.

To solve the problem I found another command when typing ?spark_install, install spark from a tar file.


So I used a download manager(there are lots of good Linux download managers like uGet, SteadyFlow, kGet, XDM, etc.). After installing, we can check for the installing path and version.


Easily Connect

Speak at the first: I had set JAVA_HOME variables both in /etc/profile and /etc/environment, along with sourcing the configuration.

> sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")

I met the second problem when connecting to Spark.

Error in force(code) :
  Failed while connecting to sparklyr to port (8880) for sessionid (6026): Gateway in port (8880) did not respond.
Path: /home/floatsd/.cache/spark/spark-1.6.2-bin-hadoop2.6/bin/spark-submit
Parameters: --class, sparklyr.Backend, --jars, '/home/floatsd/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/sparklyr/java/spark-csv_2.11-1.3.0.jar','/home/floatsd/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/sparklyr/java/commons-csv-1.1.jar','/home/floatsd/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/sparklyr/java/univocity-parsers-1.5.1.jar', '/home/floatsd/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/sparklyr/java/sparklyr-1.6-2.10.jar', 8880, 6026

---- Output Log ----
  JAVA_HOME is not set

---- Error Log ----

Since it claimed JAVA_HOME is not set, I set JAVA_HOME using R command Sys.setenvas below.


Problem remains: I still get confused with where this system environment stored, I thought it should be /etc/environment before.

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